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TPP Module: Minor Offence Procedure (TPP)

On October 15, 2012, KJI in cooperation with UNDP within the Training Program for Promotion conducted the module “Minor Offence Procedure”. 
As a result of this roundtable participants will be able to:
•  Distinguish the main stages of minor offence procedure;
•  Implement the actions prescribed by law in the minor offence procedure; 
•  Implement the minor offence procedure according to the Law on Minor Offences and specific laws which foresee the minor offences. 

During this training were addressed the legal basis for the initiation and development of minor offence procedure, the staying and termination of the procedure, measures to ensure the presence of the defendant in the minor offence procedure, the examination of the defendant and witnesses, examination of the crime scene, seizing temporary items, compilation and submission of the decision as well as the legal remedies to fight them.

Beneficiaries of this training were the newly appointed judges of Minor Offence Courts from all regions of Kosovo. 

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