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Module: Criminal Code and Criminal Procedure Code (TPP)

On December  3, 2012, KJI, in cooperation with UNDP within Training Program for Promotion conducted the eighth cycle and the last one for this year from the module Criminal Code and the Criminal Procedure Code on the topic: “Fair trial and the principle of the material truth in judicial proceedings”

The main objective was that participants after the completion of the training shall be able to:
•  Identify the fundamental principles of the fair trial, and 
•  Understand the concept of a fair trial in the context of national legislation and international law.

During this training is to analyze the legal basis from local legislation as well as internationally, is that the focus has protecting human rights and freedoms, even if the citizen is contrary to law. When this matter was addressed, were emphasized the principles that should be respected for fair trial and the challenges of the modern judiciary.
The beneficiaries of this training were judges and prosecutors from all regions of Kosovo. 

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