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Launching conference of the HELP course on violence against women and domestic violence

February 20th 2020, Academy of Justice in cooperation with the Council of Europe in its continuous efforts for protecting human rights and combating/ preventing domestic violence and violence against women, launched the distance learning course “HELP” on violence against women and domestic violence.

Purpose of this conference was that the invited participants, in particular judges, prosecutors and lawyers are informed more thoroughly about the HELP platform, its content, ways of access and use of the platform, its modules, evaluation criteria etc.

The HELP platform, as one of the most voluminous and comprehensive platforms, that involves a large number of Conventions and other tools of the Council of Europe, aims to increase professional capacities of legal professionals on the topic of human rights, with the purpose of promoting and protecting human rights in national level.

At the conference it was also discussed about the Council of Europe standards for preventing and combating violence against women and against domestic violence, comparison of the national legislation and judicial practices, interpretation of the European Convention’ provisions, etc.

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