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Workshop for review/ drafting the Initial Training Program for the eighth generation of newly appointed judges 2020/2021

On 24-25 February 2020 Academy of Justice in cooperation with OSCE conducted workshop on the review/ drafting of the Initial Training Program for the eighth generation of newly appointed judges 2020/2021.

This workshop is developing the Initial Training program content, designing concepts, structure, editing and review of training sessions, and adding new sub-modules that are important for the practical work of judges.

During this workshop it was discussed about the methodology of initial training delivery with the trainers, and participants were divided into groups according to areas. It further highlighted that theoretical trainings shall address cases from the judicial practice drafting judgments in order to enable the newly appointed judges to illustrate different examples and specify cases that they face in practice.

 Also, during the workshop participants – experts, reviewed the initial training program and edited the sub-modules and provided their proposals for the eighth generation of newly appointed judges to be evaluated periodically according to subject areas. During the theoretical training to take into account cases not abstract discussions, and while delivering initial training for newly appointed judges not to schedule court hearings.

 Participants of this workshop were trainers and staff of the Academy of Justice as well as representatives of OSCE.


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