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Commercial disputes – not fulfillment of contracts

February 25-26 2020, Academy of Justice within its Continuous Training Program (CTP) organized training on “Commercial disputes – non fulfillment of contracts”.

Purpose of this training was to extend the participants knowledge on the contracts termination and the termination effects.

First day of this training discusses on contracts, object of contracts, elements of the contracts, characteristics of the contract object, types of contracts, ways of bidding and terms of the offer. It further elaborated on absolutely invalid contracts, as contracts that are reached in contradiction with l;egal order, imperative provisions and the morale, legal effect of null contracts, the right to claim proof of invalidity, statute of limitation for the rights, partial nullity, relative invalidity of the contract, legal effect of relatively invalid contracts.

Second day discusses about termination of the contracts – withdrawing from the contracts unilaterally, non-fulfillment of the contracts and legal consequences, termination as a wayto dissolve the contracts, terms for terminations and failure to fulfill obligations, termination of the contracts as a prerequisite for contract termination, the debtors fault, additional deadline, time lined contracts, notification of the debtor, legal effect of contract termination, responsibility for material flaws, and contract interpretation.

This training used combined methodology of explanation and interactive discussions followed by hypothetical cases.

Beneficiaries of this training were judges of the commercial departments from the Appeals instance, the basic instance and legal officials.

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