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Preliminary review of the lawsuit and the claim

January 22 2020, Academy of Justice within its activities for he free legal professions, with the request of the Free Legal Aid Agency and supported by GIZ, conducted training on the “Preliminary review of the lawsuit and the claim”.

Purpose of this training was to help the free legal aid officials to obtain new knowledge on fulfilling procedural requirements for correct conduct of the contested procedure and the court actions in this procedural stage.

This training elaborated on the following topics: assessment of the judicial competence, merit of the dispute and dismissal of the lawsuit as invalid. In form of discussions with the trainers it was elaborated on examples from the practice of the free legal aid officials on the most challenging issues of this nature, with particular emphasis on assessment of the judicial competence, assessment of the litispendence, and the stage for taking decisions, as well as on the binding decisions.

Beneficiaries of this training were eighteen officials of the free legal aid from all regions of Kosovo.

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