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Protection of the rights of children without parental care and in cases of change to their status

May 29-30 2020, Academy of Justice within its continuous Training Program, in cooperation with the European Union Project on “Support to Civil Code - Stage II”, is conducting training on the following topic “Protection of the rights of children without parental care and in cases of changes to their status”.

Trainers for this training are: Mr. Lumni Sallauka, judge in the Appeals Court, Mr. Valon Totaj, judge in the Appeals Court, Mr. Haxhi Gashi, Dean of the University of Prishtina’s Law Faculty, and Mr. Enver Hasani, Professor at the University of Prishtina’s Law Faculty.

Purpose of this training was to extend the participants knowledge on the applicable legislation that refers to the judicial procedure for providing legal protection for the rights of children without parental care and in cases of changes to their status.

Focus of this training was on the following: protection of the rights of children without parental care; Adoption, Maternity and Paternity; Ways and methods of the court communication with children in the procedures of objection and certification of the paternity or maternity, and principle of the best interest for the child.

During this training it was elaborated on legal provisions on adoption, paternity and maternity, conditions to be met to allow adoption of children, legal procedure to be followed by the foster parents to adopt a child, international acts that apply in the procedure for establishing adoption.

Training methodology was based on interactive discussion elaborating also on cases from the court case law.

Beneficiaries of this training were judges of the Appeals instance, judges of the basic instance from all regions, and administrative staff members of the courts of Mitrovica region.

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