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Trafficking in human beings and migrant smuggling

July 15-16 2020, Academy of Justice within its Continuous Training Program is conducting training on “Trafficking in human beings and migrant smuggling”.

Expert engaged to conduct this training is Mr. Besim Kelmendi – Prosecutor in the State Chief Prosecutor’s Office.

Purpose of this training is further development of the judges and prosecutor’s professional capacities in correct application of the applicable legislation and strengthening cooperation with other relevant institutions for successful fighting of this phenomenon.

Focus of this training are: meaning and elements of the trafficking in human beings, crimes related to trafficking in human beings, rights of the trafficking victims during criminal proceedings.

This training is elaborating on protection and assistance of the victims of trafficking, strengthening cooperation and coordination between main stakeholders, as well as compensation of the victim of human trafficking.

This training is using combined methods of training with interactive discussions, case simulation, work in groups for practical cases, and questions and answers on the topics raised during this training.

Beneficiaries of this training are judges and prosecutors of the Appeals instance and of the basic instance from all regions of Kosovo, as well as judges from the Special Chamber of the Supreme Court.

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