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Meeting with the working group on the area of gender based discrimination

July 27 2020, Academy of Justice in cooperation with UNDP on drafting the training program of 2021 responding to training needs in the area of discrimination, conducted the first meeting of the working group, that constitutes of the office of good governance, officials of the ombudsperson, civil society and the media.

This meeting presented the national and international legal framework in the area of discrimination and practical problems for application of this legislation, with emphasis on the Law on Discrimination, and the Law on gender equality in Kosovo.

Discussions resented issues that respective institutions face in fighting the discrimination, challenges of the most endangered groups like, the children, persons with limited abilities, etc. Also, it was discussed about the omissions and gaps to the Law on protection from discrimination, on compliance of the law with the EU Directives and the European Convention on Human Rights.

One of the main recommendations were that trainings in the future shall focus on the practical part of fighting discrimination, i.e. with practical cases from the field, review of the Istanbul Convention and cases of re-victimization.

The meetings are expected to take place with two more working groups that will include members of the Ministries and municipalities, focusing on gender equality and human rights officials, as well as judges, prosecutors and legal professions, in order to consume all sources of information from the stakeholders active in this area.

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