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Specialized Training Program "Cybercrime, Electronic Evidence - Session II"

On July 28-29, 2020, the Academy of Justice, within the Continuous Training Program, is conducting training on: "Specialized Training Program - Cybercrime, electronic evidence - session II".

Trainers engaged in this training are: Mrs. Ikramije Bojaxhiu- Prosecutor in the Basic Prosecution in Prishtina and Mr. Fadil Abdyli- Head of Cyber ​​Crime Investigation Sector.

The purpose of this training was to advance the professional knowledge of judges and prosecutors about the forms of cybercrime, criminal offenses related to cybercrime and local legislation.

The focus of this training session was the treatment of cybercrime as a criminal offense in domestic legislation and electronic evidence, procedures and legislation.

During the training, the fight against this phenomenon, the identification of suspects, financial investigations and inter-institutional and international cooperation are being elaborated.

The training will use interactive methods, case simulations, group work on practical cases as well as questions and discussions on topics covered in this training.

Beneficiaries of this training are judges from the Appeal level and basic level, prosecutors from the Office of the Chief State Prosecutor and prosecutors from the basic level.

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