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Absolute and relative invalidity of contracts and basis of responsibility for damage compensation

September 2-3 2020, Academy of Justice within the Continuous Training Program is conducting training on “Absolute and relative invalidity of the contracts and basis of responsibility for damage compensation”.

Trainers for this activity are Mr. Albert Zogaj – judge in the Appeals Court, and Mr. Faton Ademi – judge in the Appeals Court as well.

Purpose of this training is advancing knowledge of participants for higher efficiency when handling cases of contract invalidity claims, as well as for implementing correctly legal provisions pertaining to the responsibility for damage compensation.

Focus of this training was on the following: circumstances that cause the absolute and relative invalidity of the contracts; judicial procedure and role of the court in investigating circumstances that case invalidity of the contracts; Effects caused when announcing the contracts invalid; Basis of responsibility for causing damage compensation; Proving of the responsibility and role of the court in this process; and practical cases.

During the training it was elaborated also on the following: Degree of the guilt; Decreasing the height of compensation because of the material situation of the respondent and the plaintiff, and because of the separate responsibility; Exemption from responsibility; Compensation of the immaterial damage; Conditions for compensating the immaterial damage.

Training methodology was based on interactive discussions and elaboration of different cases from the court case-law.

Beneficiaries of this training were judges of the Appeals instance and of the Basic instance from all regions

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