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On 09-10 September 2020, the Academy of Justice within the Continuous Trainign Program and in cooperation with the USAID Program – Commercial Justice, implemented by the CHECCHI and COMPANY, is conducting a training on: “Arbitration”.


Trainers engaged for this training are: Mr. Mahir Tutuli, Judge of the Court of Appeal and Njomza Zejnullahu, Arbiter.

Trainers engaged for this training are: Mr. Mahir Tutuli, Judge at the Court of Appeals, and Mrs. Njomza Zejnullahu, Arbiter.

The purpose of this training is to advance the knowledge of the participants regarding arbitration.

The training focused on: Initiation of the arbitration procedure and the competencies of the court, disputes that may be subject to arbitration, arbitration agreement clause, arbitration procedure, rights and obligations of the parties to the procedure; Kosovo Law on Recognition of arbitral decisions

During the training are also elaborated: Initiation of the recognition procedure, practices of recognition of arbitral decisions, procedures set forth in the New York Convention for the Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Decisions, recognition and enforcement of foreign arbitral decisions in Kosovo, applicable remedies.

The training methodology is based on interactive discussions, elaborating various cases from case law.

Beneficiaries of this training were: judges of the Court of Appeals and basic courts as well as professional associates.

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