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Training of Trainers "Freedom of Expression - Article 10 of the ECHR"

On October 9, 2020, the Academy of Justice, in cooperation with the JUFREX project, is conducting a Training for Trainers on: "Freedom of Expression - Article 10 of the ECHR".

This training is a continuation of the JUFREX Regional Conference on the latest developments in the jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights on Freedom of Expression, which took place on October 8, 2020 with representatives from Kosovo, Serbia, Albania, Bosnia, northern Macedonia, Montenegro, as well as international experts from the Council of Europe.

The goals of the Conference and the training are to update the knowledge about the novelties in the international legislation in the field of Freedom of Expression as well as to discuss the novelties of the new Manual.

During the Conference and Training, were addressed and discussed the updated Manual on Freedom of Expression for Trainers, HELP online training courses, and the case law of the ECHR.

In this event are being discussed also the training styles, time management in training, 3-step test of the ECHR, organization of group discussions, etc.

Both conferences and trainings are taking place with practical cases and interactivity, discussing ECtHR cases, their decisions, decision comparisons and the compatibility of decisions in Kosovo with international law.

As a specific case during the training, at the request of participants will be discussed a case with Defamation Charges about War Crimes Charges as it is even more current and our courts will deal with cases of this nature very soon.

Beneficiaries of the training are: Judges from the Court of Appeals and the Basic Court, Prosecutors from the Special Prosecution, Lawyers.

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