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Meeting of the Managing Board of the Academy of Justice

On 08 March 2021, the Academy of Justice held the following meeting of the Managing Board of the AJ. The meeting was held virtually through the ZOOM Platform and was chaired by the Chairman Mr. Enver Peci, at the same time President of the Supreme Court of Kosovo.

The purpose of this meeting was to review and decide on the proposal for supplementing / amending the Regulation on the Initial Training Program together with the change of the training calendar, as well as other important issues within the legal mandate and better functioning of the Academy of Justice.

According to the agenda set for this meeting, the Managing Board discussed and approved the draft Regulation on Initial Training Program with proposed amendments/ supplementing, as well as reviewed the request of judges of the VIII generation of the initial training for attending Initial training at the Academy Justice in person. During this meeting was discussed the prevention of Conflict of Interest in Exercising Public Function for the members of the Managing Board and Members of the Program Council of AJ, also, the Managing Board decided to address the competent bodies regarding the status of employees in the Academy of Justice, so that their status to be similar to the status of employees in the judicial and prosecutorial system.

In this meeting, the Managing Board discussed other issues which are in favor of the proper functioning of the work of the Academy of Justice within its competencies and legal mandate.

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