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Meeting of the Working Group of Mentoring Program

Today, March 16, 2021, the Academy of Justice in cooperation with the Axiom International Ltd. Project. and Agencia, a project supported by the British Embassy in Kosovo, held the fifth meeting of the Mentoring Working Group.

This meeting was attended by Mrs. Mr. Neelam Sarkaria, Head of Mentoring Program - Axiom International, Executive Director of the Academy of Law, Mr. Enver Fejzullahu, z. Besim Kelmendi, Prosecutor in the State Prosecution Office and Mr. Zejnulla Gashi former Head of the KPC Normative Commission.

During this meeting, members of the working group approved the minutes of the last meeting and discussed about the questions drafted, development and implementation of the survey proposed by the same group for prosecutors, as well as on how to distribute this survey through the Academy of Justice to prosecutors. who deal with corruption cases.

During this meeting was also discussed about the development of the Kosovo justice institutions and the Justice Mentoring Manual, which the members of this group agreed on and discussed the appropriate ways and means for its implementation within the relevant institutions.

Mrs. Neelam Sarkaria, as the Head of the Mentoring Program, thanked the group for their work and dedication in providing imputes for the development of the manual and at the same time wished that there would be other opportunities for further cooperation.

The Executive Director of the Academy of Justice also thanked Neelam and the UK Embassy for supporting the justice institutions through their projects and for the close cooperation with the Academy of Justice, at the same time promised that the Academy will remain committed to providing capacity and support the achievement of common objectives and implementation of the manual properly and fairly.

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