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CTP Roundtable discussion – “Criminal Offences against life and body”

On May 22, 2013, KJI organized a roundtable discussion on the topic Criminal Offenses against life and body.
This roundtable addressed issues related to criminal offenses such as murder, aggravated murder and other criminal acts in order to identify the problems and challenges that arise in practice. 
In this roundtable was emphasized that life and human body pose particular social values for which there is individual and social interest of protection. Protection of human life has absolute character and crimes against life are the most serious offenses because they violate the right to life as a fundamental right, which is also guaranteed by the Constitution and international acts. The training was marked by practical handling of cases and exchange of experiences between trainers and participants in order to avoid the dilemmas.
Beneficiaries of this roundtable were judges of the basic courts and prosecutors of the basic prosecution offices from all regions of Kosovo.

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