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Inter-institutional meeting between the Academy of Justice and the Ministry of Justice

April 13th, 2021, Executive Director of the Academy of Justice Mr. Enver Fejzullahu and Heads of the Continuous and Initial Training Programs of the AJ, conducted a meeting with the Deputy Minister of Justice Mrs. Nita Shala and Chief of Cabinet Mr. Genc Nimoni, within the cooperation strengthening between the Academy of Justice and the Ministry of Justice.

Director of the Academy, Mr. Fejzullahu expressed his readiness and the will for cooperation between the two institutions highlighting some of the challenges of the Academy, particularly in the legal infrastructure aspect and the need for its improvement.

On the other hand, Mrs. Shala informed the AJ representatives about the Ministry of Justice’s priorities like combating corruptions, organized crime, increasing the justice institution’s efficiency where certainly the focus is on the Academy of Justice, as an institution mandated to provide trainings for the judges and prosecutors.

As a matter with particular attention and focus was provision of the Initial Training for new judges and prosecutors, as well as engagement in cooperation with other international mechanisms.

During the meeting it was also discussed about other issues like enhancement and coordination with the Kosovo Judicial and Prosecutorial Councils, and other common issues that derive from the rule of law sector functional review.


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