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Sub-module on the Labor Law, first session; Topic: Establishing working relationship (Labor Law and the Law on Civil Service)

April 22 2021, Academy of Justice within the Initial Training Program for the newly appointed judges, generation VIII, is conducting a theoretical training from the sub-module on Labor Law, with trainer Mr. Lumni Sallauka, judge in the Appeals Court.

Within the first training session under the module "Labor Law", the following aspects are being treated: Conditions and criteria for establishing an employment relationship (LL), employment contract (LL), placement of the employee in the workplace (LL), court proceedings for the protection of labor rights and working conditions of civil servants (LCS).

The training methodology applying practical case presentation and interactive discussions.

The training is being carried out physically in the Academy, respecting the protocol and the decision about preventive measures and online, as there is also the possibility to attend through the ZOOM platform. Beneficiaries of the training are 24 newly appointed judges, two of whom are from the Serb community.

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