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Sub-module - "Property right and other related rights", fifth session topic - "Real rights in foreign objects, certification, constitution and termination of real servitudes, and protection of real servitudes"

On May 6, 2021, Academy of Justice within the initial training program for newly appointed judges - eighth generation (8), is carrying out a theoretical training under the module "Property rights and other related rights" with trainer Mr. Shukri Sylejmani, judge at the Supreme Court.

Within this training session are being treated: Property rights in foreign objects, real servitudes, personal servitudes, land servitudes, domestic servitudes, extinction of real servitude and protection of servitudes.

The training methodology is applying practical cases, addressing problems and challenges in practice. The training is being carried out physically in the Academy and in real time on the "ZOOM" platform. Beneficiaries of the training are the 24 newly appointed judges, two of whom are from the Serbian community.

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