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Seminar: “International Cooperation in Criminal Matters in the European Union”

On May 30-31, 2013, KJI in cooperation with the European Institute for Public Administration/European Centre for Judges and Lawyers - EIPA, funded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Luxembourg and the School of Magistrates of the Republic of Albania, organized a two-day seminar on the topic: “International Legal Cooperation in Criminal Matters in the European Union” which was held in Tirana. 

The purpose of this seminar was the intensification of international legal cooperation in criminal matters in the European Union, recognition of foreign court decisions based on the European Convention on the International Validity of Criminal Judgments as well as the information on the latest developments of EU policies in this field.

This seminar addressed the process of gradual transition from the classical regime of mutual legal assistance (MLA) to the instruments of mutual recognition (MR) and recent developments in legislation and the case law, cross-border issues, transmission, collection and the admissibility of evidences. 

Special sessions were dedicated to European Freezing Warrant, the European Evidence Warrant and the European Investigation Warrant, EU bodies, networks and agencies (EUROPOL, EUROJUST, EJN), in support of cooperation in criminal matters and how they interact with other regional and national judicial structures.

Participants in this training were judges of the Supreme, Appellate and Basic Courts of Kosovo and judges and prosecutors from Albania.

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