News and Activities - Archive


Road Traffic Accidents

On June 24, 2013, KJI organized a one-day training for judges of the Minor Offence division on the topic: Road Traffic Accidents.
The purpose of this training was to establish the best practices in the proper implementation of the provisions of the Law on Road Traffic. 

In this training were addressed and discussed issues related to road traffic accidents, bypassing as a cause of accident, the impunity and the proper application of Article 352 of the Law on Road Traffic.
Upon treatment of the Law on Road Traffic Safety were also highlighted its disadvantages, particularly the lack of harmonization of this law with the Law on Minor Offences and the European Union directives, terminological mistakes, lack of harmonization of penalties in relation to the risk of the minor offense and the lack of more punitive measures for minor offenses foreseen by law.
Participants of the training required further clarification regarding the application for commencement of the procedure in cases where the request is presented to a person whereas other contributed to the cause of the accident with a certain percentage. For these and other dilemmas the trainers provided recommendations and their solutions.
In the afternoon participating judges divided into groups had the opportunity through practical exercises to demonstrate their knowledge of the issuance of the ruling on the measure or criminal sanctions against the perpetrator of minor offenses according to the Law on Road Traffic Safety. 
Beneficiaries of this training were judges of the minor offence division from all Basic Courts of Kosovo. 

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