News and Activities - Archive


Training of the KJI Trainers

On 6th and 7th September 2013, KJI in cooperation with OSCE held a two day workshop for training of the Trainers on topic” “Logistics, Planning and Practical Learning Techniques for Effective Learning”.During these two-day of intensive workshop the participants were trained in relation to the planning methods and learning techniques in providing highest effective trainings. The “Trainers Handbook” was introduced to the participants and other material to assist in organizing, planning and offering of the trainings. 

The workshop was conducted through the following sessions: interactive training techniques, logical planning and preparation, technical and practical skills and the responsibility of the trainer. Thereafter, the participants were provided with the training topics for 2013 - 2014, and they were asked to prepare the training plan and presentation outline(using interactive training methods).

Beneficiaries of this training were the actual KJI trainers and the new trainers that will conduct future trainings for KJI.

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