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Specialized Training Program on Money Laundering and Financial Investigation - Session II

On 01-02 June 2021 the Academy of Justice within the Continuous Training Program in cooperation with the IRZ project is conducting training through the Zoom platform on: "Specialized Training Program on Money Laundering and Financial Investigation - Session II".

Trainers engaged in this training are: Mr. Behar Xhema, vice. Director of the Financial Intelligence Unit, Mr. Valon Kurtaj, Judge in the Special Department of the Basic Court in Prishtina. While on the second day will be engaged international expert Mr. Wolf - Tilmann Baumert Chief Prosecutor at the Wuppertal Prosecutor's Office / Director of the Economic Crimes Department and Mr. Christian Müller Attorney at the Prosecutor's Office in Wuppertal.

The purpose of this training is to advance the professional knowledge of the participants regarding the more complex criminal offenses due to the manner of commission and the persons involved as perpetrators.

The training methodology is of a combined character with theoretical explanations and interactive discussions.

Beneficiaries of this training are: Prosecutors and judges of first and second instance, including in particular special prosecutors and judges of the special department at both levels.

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