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Meeting with Presidents of the Courts and Chief Prosecutors of State Prosecutor’s Office

On 23rd December, 2013, KJI organized the next meeting in round with the President of the Court and the Chief Prosecutors of State Prosecutor’s Office discussing different aspects of the training of judges and prosecutors in 2013 and preparations for training in 2014.

At this meeting, Mr.Lavdim Krasniqi, KJI Director, notified the presidents and chief prosecutors for the trainings delivered in 2013,  with particular  focus on participation of judges and prosecutors in training as well as the challenges faced in this process.

Main points of discussion were the preparations for the start of trainings in 2014, at what point the KJI Director presented to the presidents and chief prosecutors the Framework Training Program for the period 2014-2015 and Implementation Plan of the Framework Program for the first bi-annual  of 2014, which are novelties for this year. It was also discussed about the methodology of applying for participation in training and about the procedure for preparation of the list of participants and invitations that will send KJI based on list confirmed by the Presidents of Courts and the Chief Prosecutors of the State Prosecutor’s Office.

In their discussions, Court Presidents and Chief Prosecutors of the State Prosecutor’s Office praised KJI for all the preparations made for the start of trainings in 2014 and they promised to give full support to the progress of the training, be it in coordination of participation in training of judges and prosecutors or by contributing to the increase of  the training quality when they are engaged in capacity of a trainer or when they perform any other task related to the delivery of the KJI training programs.

In the meeting was presented the deadline to apply for the trainings and for preparation of the final list of participants in training for the first bi-annual of 2014.

At the end of the meeting, the training Implementation Plan for the first-bi-annual 2014 which contains the training application form and other supporting material for delivery of the trainings  was sent to all judges and prosecutors through the presidents of the courts and chief prosecutors.

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