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Implementation and specifics of international instruments, directives and EU regulations on commercial, fiscal and customs matters

On June 30 2021, Academy of Justice in cooperation with Checci&Company Consultin Inc. Implementer of the USAID Commercial Justice Program, continued with the pilot trainings in the commercial justice area, repsectively on the topic of: Implementation and Specifics of international instruments, directives and EU regulations on commercial, fiscal and customs matters.

This training is continuation of the recruitment process of Trainers of the Commercial area, and fulfilment of the planned curriculum.

The purpose of the training is for the trainers to initially develop pilot trainings defined according to specific topics, as well as to provide additional knowledge to the beneficiaries on controversial issues such as: Determining the jurisdiction of courts in cases with foreign element, Key EU Regulations- in determining the jurisdiction of courts in member countries (Brussels Ibis) and determining the competent law in contractual cases (Rome I), The road to the implementation of the CISG contracts on the international sale of goods, Implementation through Article 1 and Kosovo as the typical case implementating the CISG through Article 1.

Issues relating to the conclusion of the contract under the CISG, Liabilities (obligations) of the parties, Obligations of the seller, Obligations of the buyer, Exceptions of liability, Direct and indirect taxation - the difference and the general approach of the EU in this regard, will also be addressed, treatment of corporate tax evasion, etc.

This training is also being conducted in a hybrid way with participants present in the room and attending via zoom platform, always respecting the recommendations of the Ministry of Health and NIPH.

Beneficiaries of the training are: Judges of the Economic department, Judges of the general department-civil division, as well as their professional associates.

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