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Meeting of the Heads of Training Institutions on Cyber Crime and Electronic Evidence

Within the cooperation with the project Cybercrime @ IPA on March 25, 2013, in Zagreb, Croatia, was held a meeting of the representatives of judicial training institutions in which were discussed the steps taken to create a Pilot Regional Centre for Judicial Training on Cyber Crime, creating electronic platform which will have access to the training institutions, the contribution of training institutions for the Pilot Centre, benefits from the Pilot Center integration of modules for cybercrime training in the curriculum of institutions for Judicial Training, Working Plan for Pilot Center for the period 2013-2015, and other matters relating to judicial training on Cybercrime. 

The purpose of the meeting was to strengthen the capacity of the Judicial Training institutions as well as create mechanisms for regional cooperation on Cybercrime, relying on Strategic Priorities in Computer Crime Cooperation adopted on February 15 in Dubrovnik. 

During the meeting, were presented issues of interest to judicial training institutions on Cybercrime, the Work Plan of Pilot Centre was adopted for the period 2013-2015 and a Memorandum of Understanding for Cooperation in Operation of the Regional Center for Judicial Training on Cybercrime was signed by the Judicial Training institutions. 

Kosovo Judicial Institute at the meeting was represented by Mrs. Lumnije Krasniqi, program coordinator and z. Besim Morina Head of the Initial Training Program. The meeting was supported by the Joint Project Cyber Crime @ IPA European Union and the Council of Europe “Strengthening Capacities on Computer Crime”.

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