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Workshop: “Preliminary Review of the Lawsuit”

On 27 mars 2014, within the Continuous Training Program was conducted a training on civil field with the topic on: “Preliminary Review of the Lawsuit”.

The purpose of this training was to enhance the knowledge of participants on proper application of the legal provisions regarding the examination, evaluation of the evidences quality and proper interpretation of the fair trial. Another aim of this training was also to extend the knowledge of the participants regarding the responsibility of the party relating to burden of proofs.

In the focus of this training were topics related to means of evidences, examination of places, requests, parties, witnesses and experts and burden of proof. Another topic that was discussed during this training was procedural presumption and drafting of rulings depending on procedural causes that are related to the preliminary review of the lawsuit.

The training was followed by practical cases that aims to support judges in avoiding problems faced during the practical work.

Beneficiaries of this training were judges of the appellate court and basic court from all regions of Kosovo.

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