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Roundtable on “Judicial Integrity as a prerequisite for gaining public trust”

On April 03 2014, the KJI within its Continuous Training Program conducted a training session on the following: “Judicial Integrity – prerequisite for gaining public trust”.

Purpose of this training was to increase the knowledge of participants about legal values of the principle of independence and impartiality of judges and prosecutors.

This training elaborated issues about the principle of independence and impartiality – factors fading these principles, the professionalism, moral integrity and dignity of the judges/ prosecutors, as well as internal and external factors that diminish the public trust.

This roundtable focused on discussions about the applicable guidelines on ethics and other norms of professional conduct, as well as use of real examples that present eventual dilemmas on ethics in order to be able to eliminate them.

Beneficiaries of this training were judges and prosecutors of the basic instances from all regions of Kosovo.

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