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“Visit of the experts from the French National School for the Judiciary (ENM) at the Kosovo Judicial Institute”

During 15 to 18 of April 2014, experts from the French National School for the Judiciary (ENM) visited the KJI. This visit was enabled with the help of French Embassy in Kosovo.

Purpose of the visit was assessing the KJI programs, recommending improvements and a cooperation program between the French National School for the Judiciary (ENM) and the Kosovo Judicial Institute.

Topics treated during this period were the initial training program curriculum, preparatory exam, final exam, the research and publications done within KJI, training needs identification for the CTP, training of trainers, as well as trainings provided within the TPP.

The ENM experts and KJI officials exchanged information about the way of carrying out the aforementioned topics at the KJI and ENM.  The information obtained will serve the ENM experts to prepare an assessment report, recommendations and the implementation plan of the future cooperation between the ENM and KJI.

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