News and Activities - Archive


Legal Research – Legal and General Databases

On May 15th 2014, KJI in cooperation with the EU twinning project “Support to Kosovo Legal Education Reform” has accomplished the training on the topic: Legal research – legal and general databases.

This training was accomplished to serve to KJI to meet its objectives for providing its beneficiaries many and updated legal materials.

Training aimed to introduce to beneficiaries the legal and general databases for which the KJI created temporary access.  Presentation focused on types of materials that these databases contain.  Beneficiaries through practical exercise demonstrated knowledge with the research techniques on these databases, as well as the criteria for downloading and copying such materials.

Participants at this training were required that during the probation subscription to the databases, they do research and assess their relevance for the work of judges and prosecutors.  Based on the participant’s training assessment, KJI will make also subscription to these databases.

Beneficiaries of this training were judges and prosecutors.

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