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Training of Trainers

During May 26-28 2014, the KJI in cooperation with USAID EROL conducted a Training of Trainers on “Resilient leadership”.

Purpose of this training was creation of a sound, resilient and adaptable leadership, increase of mindfulness about the stressors and risk factors spread in judiciary, and identification of facing strategies and protective processes.

This three-days training presented concepts for development of leadership and resilience, dimensions of sound balance of the mind, body and spirit, which are needed for leadership in the judicial system, including stress management strategies, identification of risk factors, and psychological understanding for sustainable change of attitude.

Training was conducted in form of interactive debate and practical exercises that provided participants with the opportunity to identify the stress level in their lives, their strengths and protective factors, as well as areas of growth for a healthy balance of the mind, body and spirit.

Participants also had the possibility to see an example of sustainable and sound leadership through a movie on Nelson Mandela, the leader that was formed from an experience of challenge, and despite the circumstances and risks he went through was still a strategist who eliminated harsh racism in his country by promoting cooperation.

Beneficiaries of this training were KJI trainers.

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