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Workshop on the International Legal Cooperation

Academy of Justice in cooperation with the CoE iPROCEEDS 2, is conducting a workshop on the International Legal Cooperation.

Purpose of the workshop is to assess and improve the procedure of the International Legal Cooperation. For this reason, the iPROCEEDS 2 Project is meeting all its stakeholders in efforts of identifying the issues as well as best practices in this area.

As an outcome of these workshop, experts will prepare a complex report with instructions on an efficient procedure for the International Legal Cooperation. This Report will be discussed in a following meeting at the end of October.

The workshop elaborated on the following topics of interest:

  • National legislation on the International Legal Cooperation, including the mutual treates and multilateral treaties;
  • Existing models of International Legal Cooperation (in national as well as EC/ and other levels);
  • Existing manuals of the International Legal Cooperation for judges and prosecutors;
  • Other issues important for the International Legal Cooperation.

During this workshop, the participants were offered great presentations on the best practices pertaining to International Legal Cooperation, as well as several informal methods of international cooperation that may strengthen the cooperation.

Participants at this workshop were prosecutors of the Basic Prosecution in Prishtina and Basic Prosecution in Peja, as well as officials of the Ministry of Justice.

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