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Voluntary Liquidation Process of Socially Owned Enterprises, Review before the Liquidation Authority and Judicial Treatment in the Special Chamber

September 17 2021, Academy of Justice within its Continuous Training Program is conducting an online training via Zoom platform on the following topic “The voluntary liquidation process of socially owned enterprises, review before the liquidation authority and judicial treatment in the special chamber”.

Trainers engaged for this activity are Mr. Sahit Sylejmani and Mr. Sabri Halili, both judges in the Special Chamber of the Supreme Court.

Purpose of this training was to extend the participants knowledge on review of the administrative and judicial procedure that treat the credit and property claims towards socially owned enterprises under the liquidation process.

Training methodology is combined with theoretical explanations and interactive discussion of the presented practical cases.

Beneficiaries of this training are judges of the Special Chamber of the Supreme Court, the Court of Appeals, and prosecutors of the basic instance.

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