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Training of ITP Candidates on Kosovo Tax Administration

On 07 August 2014, Kosovo Judicial Institute in cooperation with Kosovo Tax Administration conducted a practical training for the fifth-generation candidates Initial Training Program (ITP)

The purpose of this training was to provide the candidates for judges and prosecutors who attend ITP, knowledge about the work and activities done by the Kosovo Tax Administration. The knowledge gained from this institution will serve the candidates to improve the quality of work and to increase the cooperation between judges and prosecutors on and Kosovo Tax Administration.

Issues that were debated during the training were focused on the role, responsibilities and legal basis of TAK, tax rates, fulfillment of tax obligations, taxes applied in Kosovo, registration and equipment with the fiscal number, obligations to declare and pay taxes, tax administration penalties, the right of appeal and reviewing of  the procedures.

The training was very interactive and after the presentations, candidates continued with the discussion of TAK practical cases.

Participants in the training were 18 candidates for judges, and 10 candidates and prosecutors.

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