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Training of Trainers on International Legal Cooperation in Criminal Matters

Training of Trainers on International Legal Cooperation in Criminal Matters


On September 9th 2014, the KJI in cooperation with the EU Twinning Project accomplished a Training of Trainers for International Legal Cooperation in Criminal Matters.

Purpose of this training was to prepare the national trainers in the area of international legal cooperation with the purpose that they transfer the obtained knowledge and best international practices of this area to other judges and prosecutors that work with these cases.

At this training the participants were introduced and discussed the manual prepared by German experts that will serve the judges and prosecutors for international legal assistance, as well as international training curricula to be integrated to the KJI’s curriculum.

Also, the participants were provided with recommendations related to methodology, duration of the trainings and other issues significant for avoiding obstacles in execution of international legal assistance requests.

Beneficiaries of this training were judges and prosecutors that will be engaged as future trainers at KJI for issues that are related to international legal cooperation in criminal area. 

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