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Tracing, seizing and confiscation of asset

Tracing, seizing and confiscation of asset

Kosovo Judicial Institute in cooperation EU Project “Supporting the Kosovo Institutions in combating economic and financial crimes” implemented by B&S Europe, on  me date 09.09.2014, conducted a training on: “Tracing, seizing and confiscation of assets”.

The purpose of this training was to help the participants in applying properly the existing legislation regarding the tracing, seizing and confiscation of assets acquired through commission of criminal offence, identifying main methods for disclosing the assets and analyze the process of seizing and confiscation of the assets acquired through the commission of the criminal offence.

During the training was also discussed the Kosovo legal frame on tracing, seizing and confiscation of assets, planning of asset tracing, identification methods as well as the procedure of seizing and confiscation

The training was developed through practical cases of courts and prosecutor offices and interactive discussion.

Beneficiaries of this training were judges, prosecutors and other professionals involved on the above topic.

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