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Training program in the area of corruption combating, provided for prosecutors and officials of other relevant institutions

During September 08-12th 2014, the KJI in cooperation with RIPA International organized training on the topic of “Training Program in the area of combating corruption, for prosecutors and officials of other relevant institutions – 2nd stage”.

Purpose of this training was to help the participants increase their professional skills in the fight against corruption, suspects’ interrogation techniques in cases of corruption and various ways of obtaining information.

In the first stage, which was conducted in June of this year, trainers presented particular topics in the area of corruption combating for the participants, on which they provided materials on practical implementation and provided advices and recommendations for the most effective actions in a particular case.

In the second stage, that took place after a quarter, trainers assessed the effect of actions taken by the participants. Trainers discussed on each action taken and for advantages and challenges they faced during this period, as well as on the following steps.

The training was delivered in the form of discussion in small groups, where one trainer and participants were reviewing certain cases.

Beneficiaries of this training were prosecutors of all instances, Kosovo Customs and Kosovo Police

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