News and Activities - Archive


Workshop on draft module – “Justice for children – civil aspect”

On 02 and 03 October 2014, KJI in cooperation with UNICEF conducted a workshop on the draft module "Justice for Children – civil aspect".

The purpose of this workshop was to determine the format and structure of the module of justice for children in civil aspect, including the definition of sub-themes and objectives of the module. During this workshop were also assigned the responsible persons for drafting of each topic based on content developed in the workshop.

The draft module developed during this workshop will continue to be further developed by the working group, which will be completed in November this year.

Also within the frame of this workshop were designed themes that will be included in the KJI training program of 2015. Three training sessions were developed within the framework with the description of the topics, content and objectives definition, duration of training as well as the beneficiaries of this training.

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