News and Activities - Archive


Training for professional associates related to detention

On October 8th 2014, the KJI conducted a one-day training provided for other professionals of the judicial and prosecutorial system on the topic of “Detention”, attended by professional associates of Kosovo courts and prosecutions.

Purpose of this training was acquaintance with basic concepts of this institution, necessary terms for setting the detention as well as practical implementation of this measure.

The training presented and discussed main characteristics of measures for ensuring presence of the defendant in criminal proceeding, particularly for detention as a more severe measure. This training covered basic principles on detention, specific legal terms for detention, ruling for assigning the detention and reasoning why other measures would be insufficient in concrete cases.

A part of the training was conducted through case studies where participants divided into groups and individually could draft judgment for setting the detention and stating the reasoning on detention.

Beneficiaries of this training were professional associates of courts and prosecutions of Kosovo - of all instances.

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