News and Activities - Archive


KJI’s Donors Coordination meeting

On October 17th 2014, the KJI held its regular donor’s coordination meeting. Purpose of this meeting was to coordinate training activities with international partners who support accomplishment of KJI programs.

The KJI Director presented the activities conducted during the period of January – October 2014, emphasizing the mutual cooperation with international partners. The planned activities to take place until the end of this year were also introduced. At the end of his presentation, the Director raised the needs for support and further coordination with donors.

During this meeting, representatives of KJI donors presented the flow of their current projects and their future plans. They thanked KJI for cooperation in project implementation and expressed their readiness to continue this cooperation in the future.

Participants were representatives from EU Office in Kosovo, EULER 2, GIZ, OSCE, UNICEF, USAID, USAID/CLE, USAID NCSC, USAID/ EROL, US DOJ/ OPDAT, B&S Europe, French Embassy, European Council, Human Dynamics, EBRD/ KPMG, PILPG and KJI staff.


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