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Trial advocacy skills (TPP)

During October 20-22nd 2014, the KJI within its Training Program for Promotion conducted three-day training for newly appointed prosecutors on “Trial advocacy skills”.

Issues included during these training sessions were mainly related to representation techniques in trial, starting from direct examination, indirect examination, impeachment, re-examination of the defendants, witnesses, experts, the opening as well as the closing statements. All these techniques were elaborated from the perspective of prosecutors and lawyers, in order that both parties identify facts that support their theories.

At this training participants worked in groups and thus were enabled to demonstrate their trial advocacy skills, working on a practical case and using the techniques that were introduced by specialized local trainers.

On the third day, participants of this training organized a trial simulation with a practical case where the participants involved in this simulation played the role of the bench, prosecutor, lawyer, the defendant, and other witnesses of concrete case which provided a summary of all techniques that were presented in two days.

Beneficiaries of this training were newly appointed prosecutors of Basic Prosecutions in Prishtina, Gjilan, Ferizaj, Peja and Gjakova.


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