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Training of Trainers Program

During October 27-19 2014, the KJI in cooperation with the French embassy in Kosovo, conducted a Training of Trainers Program.

Purpose of this ToT was development of the participant’s presentation skills, enhancement and mastering the training methodology, use of adaptable methodology, effective lecturing, identification of specific training needs, drafting the training plan, setting training objectives as well as transfer of these experiences to others.

Particular point of elaboration in this ToT program was training evaluation of the participants. According to French lecturers, the participants’ evaluation is a tool that shall never be neglected, as it has its advantages and helps in collection and summarizing of opinions and other useful information.

At this training, participants were acquainted with the Practices of the School of Magistrates of France, experiences of French trainers and materials they prepare for accomplishing training programs in their country, simulation, and work in groups as well as role-play.

The training was delivered by Ms. Anna Marie and Mr. Christian Chomienne, both judges and trainers of the School of Magistrates in France.

Beneficiaries of this ToT were 15 trainers of the Kosovo Judicial Institute

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