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Strengthening the prosecutor’s capacities – Unification of the prosecution practice

January 28 2022, Academy of Justice within its Continuous Training Program in cooperation with EULEX, is conducting a workshop on the topic of “Strengthening the prosecutor’s capacities – unification of the prosecution practice”.

Experts engaged in this activity are: Mr. Besim Kelmendi Prosecutors at the Chief State Prosecutor’s Office, Mrs. Radica Milić, prosecutors at the Mitrovca Basic Prosecution, and Mr. Shpëtim Peci, Prosecutor at the Mitrovica Basic Prosecution Office.

Purpose of this workshop is to extend the participant’s professional knowledge on the dilemmas raised during the daily practice of prosecutors, unification of practices and distinctions in decisions for similar cases by the Appeals Court and by the Supreme Court.

Methodology of this workshop is interactive discussions, presentation of issues through cases, discussion in those cases and summary of conclusions drawn on the discussed matter.

Beneficiaries of this workshop are Prosecutors of the Juvenile Department.

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