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Meeting with representatives of the German Foundation for International Legal Cooperation (IRZ) and EUKOJUST

March 3 2022, Executive Director of the Academy of Justice Mr. Enver Fejzullahu welcomed in a meeting representatives of the German Foundation on International Legal Cooperation (IRZ), Mrs. Teresa Thalhammer Project Director, Mrs. Trime Ahmeti Project Manager and Mr. Volkmar Theobald Project Team Leader, and Mr. Dragomir Yordanov from the EU Justice Sector Program in Kosovo (EUKOJUST).

During this meeting, AJ Executive Director thanked the project’s representative for their continuous support and informed them about the achievements and challenges of the institution he represents. The Project Director, Mrs. Thalhammer, emphasized the IRZ support for the academy of Justice based on the needs and priorities of the Academy with the purpose of implementing this Project.

At the end of this meeting, the interlocutors expressed readiness to extend cooperation in areas of mutual institutional interest, in order to increase efficiency, transparency and accountability within the judicial system.

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