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General and special part of the Criminal law

Today, on May 10, 2022, the Academy of Justice, in the framework of the Continuous Training Program for Professional Associates of Courts and Prosecution Offices, is conducting training on: "General and special part of Criminal Law".

The training is being conducted in cooperation with UNDP, as one of the main supporters of AJ for implementation of trainings for professional associates.

The training is divided into 3 training days, where on the first day the issues of general principles of criminal law will be addressed, then the assessments related to the implementation of the most favorable law, Criminal Offense, Elements of Criminal Offense, Ways of Committing, Time of Committing and Place of Committing the Criminal Offense.

The reasons for the exclusion of unlawfulness, special part of the criminal law, the quality of the perpetrators, the punitive policy for the criminal offenses of corruption, etc. will also be discussed.

Trainers of this training are: Judges from the Court of Appeals Mr. Burim Ademi and Afrim Shala, Prosecutor from the Special Prosecution Mr. Shkelzen Ibrahimi, Prosecutor from the Basic Prosecution Mitrovica Mr. Shpëtim Peci, Prosecutor from the Basic Prosecution Prishtina Mr. Armend Hamiti.

Beneficiaries of the training are Professional Associates from Courts and Prosecution Offices from the entire region of Kosovo.

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