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Specialized Training Program on Fraud and Corruption in Public Procurement - Session I

10 May 2022, the Academy of Justice within the Continuous Training Program, today commenced the two-day Specialized training on Fraud and Corruption in Public Procurement - Session I.

The purpose of this training on the first day was for the participants to get acquainted with the Institutional Framework in the field of public procurement; Definition of corruption and fraud; Corruption and fraud in the procurement process;

Trainers engaged in this activity are Mr. Agim Shaqiri, Public Procurement expert, and Mr. Admir Shala - Chief Prosecutor in the Basic Prosecution in Prizren.

The training has been mainly conducted in the form of conversation between participants and trainers regarding experiences, dilemmas and procedural questions always based on cases from practice.

Participants in this training were judges from the Supreme Court, the Court of Appeals and the Courts of First Instance from different regions, as well as Prosecutors from the Special Prosecution and Basic Prosecution Offices, as well as Investigators from the Kosovo Police.

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