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Workshop on Article 10 of the European Convention on Human Rights

On November 21st 2014, the Kosovo Judicial Institute in cooperation with the European Council Office in Prishtina conducted the workshop on “Article 10 of the European Convention on Human Rights”.

Aim of this workshop was to help the participants apply applicable constitutional and legal provisions relying also in the ECHR requirements. Furthermore, the workshop provides a forum for establishing the judicial practice, including the practical advices on how to act and how to try cases related to freedom of expression, and easier application of the convention with the goal of heading to European integration.

This workshop elaborated issues related to the European Court of Human Rights and the jurisprudence of Article 10 of ECHR– Freedom of expression and the right to privacy according to Article 10 of ECHR.

Also, it was discussed about application of administrative directives deriving from Article 10 pertaining to freedom of expression and access to information, as well as protection of sources in the Kosovo Judicial system.

At this workshop an international expert of the European Council was engaged who discussed about the case law of the European Court of Human Rights in Strasburg.

Beneficiaries of this workshop were judges and prosecutors of basic and appeals instance.



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