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Regional Conference “Article 10 of the European Convention on Human Rights and Regional Experiences”

From December 5-6 2014, in Skopje, Macedonia, the Council of Europe in cooperation with the Judges and Prosecutors Academy of Macedonia organized a regional conference on the following topic: “Article 10 of the European Convention on Human Rights and Regional Experiences”.

The common issues elaborated in this regional conference were establishment of regular cooperation and creating regional networks to promote best practices and development of jurisprudence pertaining to freedom of expression and the right to respect the privacy and family life.

This conference put emphasis on freedom of expression which represents one of the main foundations of a democratic society, one of the basic prerequisites for its progress and development of each human being. The press plays a distinguished role in a rule of law state.

Two judges of the European Court of Human Rights were engaged at the conference that elaborated cases that were tried by the European Court of Human Rights related to violation of freedom of expression. They emphasized that freedom of expression is a particular right as well as a component of other rights guaranteed by the Convention, which shall be decently respected.

This conference drew several recommendations for all regional countries that expressed interest for increase of regional cooperation through organization of joint regional conferences.

Attendants at this conference were representatives of Southeastern Europe countries, while Kosovo delegation was also represented by the Kosovo Judicial Institute. 

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