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Coordination meeting with Court Presidents and Chief Prosecutors

On December 22nd 2014, KJI conducted a coordination meeting with Court Presidents and Chief Prosecutors.

This meeting was held with the purpose of presenting the KJI activities accomplished during 2014 and introduction of the training program for the period of January- June 2015. In this light, the KJI delivered also the Implementation Plan of the Framework Training Program for the period of January-June 2015 to Court Presidents and Chief Prosecutors, to be distributed to each Judge and Prosecutor in our country. This plan contains description of each activity that KJI will conduct during the aforementioned period, including the application form to be filled out by judges and prosecutors for the trainings they wish to attend until June.

Participants at this roundtable highly evaluated organization of trainings by KJI and they expressed their readiness for greater engagement in the process of needs assessment and increase of training participation. It was also concluded that their contribution to the needs identification and higher participation, directly contributes to professional growth of judges and prosecutors.

This meeting was attended by President of the Supreme Court, President of the Appeals Court and Presidents of Basic Courts, as well as A/ State Chief Prosecutor and Chief Prosecutors of Basic Prosecution Offices.

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