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Drafting the Training of Trainers Program Concept

During January 8-9th 2015, Kosovo Judicial Institute in cooperation with USAID EROL organized a workshop on drafting the program concept for Training of Trainers.

Purpose of this workshop was to analyze the advantages and gaps of actual trainings for trainers, as well as drafting the Permanent Framework Program for Training of Trainers.

This workshop discussed about importance of enhancing the training methodology as a crucial prerequisite for providing qualitative judicial trainings. Furthermore, it elaborated on what the judicial education could provide, what topics shall be included in this curriculum and what would be the adequate structure of this program.

This workshop set the working methodology and actions to be undertaken by the working group until finalization of the program concept and preparing the handbook on training methodology.

Participants at this workshop were: the KJI’s Director and Coordinator, Head of CTP and Senior Officer for Judicial Development and Cooperation, including two Trainers of KJI and the USAID EROL expert.

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